Public Officials:
Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) – “Leading by example. Showing that America’s kids deserve the best and taking action to give it to them. Great stuff @SarahHuckabee.”
Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida – “@SarahHuckabee is delivering on her campaign promise with Arkansas LEARNS. Setting the bar high through school choice, comprehensive early literacy and relevant ed-to-workforce pathways, she will empower students w/ opportunity & have a lasting impact on families. #ARpx, #ARedu”
Lieutenant Governor Leslie Rutledge – “Arkansas LEARNS will give teachers the pay raise they deserve, empower parents to choose what school is best for their children, unleash a new wave of workforce development and much more! Gov@SarahHuckabee is working hard to make education in Arkansas the best in the nation!”
Attorney General Tim Griffin – “Governor @SarahHuckabee’s education reforms are bold, conservative, & transformative. She’s going to make Arkansas a national leader in teacher pay, literacy, and parental freedom in education! #arpx #arleg”
Treasurer Mark Lowery – “Gov. Sarah Sanders hit back to back home runs with her SOTU response and then the rollout today of her Arkansas LEARNS education reform legislation. Arkansas WINS!!”
Senate President Pro Tempore Bart Hester (R-Cave Springs) – “This bill includes everything I wanted. A lot of work has gone into this, and it will benefit parents and teachers in this state.”
Speaker Matthew Shepherd (R- El Dorado) – “The Arkansas LEARNS initiative is a bold step forward led by @SarahHuckabee and continuing on a path paved by the General Assembly in recent years to improve education in Arkansas. I look forward to working with the administration and colleagues as we move Arkansas forward!”
Rep. Ryan Rose (R-Van Buren) – “Our Governor @SarahHuckabee has been an absolute rockstar this week. I’m looking forward to all that we are going to be able to accomplish for our state over the coming years. Arkansas LEARNS is just the beginning.”
Rep. Keith Brooks (R-Little Rock) – “Excited for the roll out of Gov@SarahHuckabee #ArkansasLEARNS package, and honored to lead the effort in the House.”
Rep. Stetson Painter (R-Mountain Home) – “With Gov. @SarahHuckabee Arkansas LEARNS plan, Arkansas will jump from 48th in the nation for teacher pay to 4th. I am in full support of her plan and look forward to getting it passed.”
Rep. Sonia Barker (R-Smackover) – “As a longtime public school teacher, I know how critical it is that we address the educational needs in our state. Governor Sanders’ LEARNS plan is the blueprint that will set Arkansas’ education system on a positive and productive trajectory and deliver results for our students and families.”
Rep. Jeremiah Moore (R-Clarendon) – “I’m excited for @sarahhuckabee’s AR LEARNS plan she rolled out this week. I am thrilled to have contributed to the process & helped craft the AR Teacher Academy which will pay for college for future teachers going on to serve in high need areas of our state like the Delta! #arpx”
State Board Members, Teachers, and Parents:
Randy Henderson, Arkansas State Board of Education Member and Arkansas Workforce Development Board Member – “Governor Sanders’ AR LEARNS legislation is a comprehensive blueprint that all of Arkansas will benefit from. It is a clear investment that outlines the pathway for the future of our K-12 education by eliminating the skills gap and supporting our workforce needs.”
Lisa Hunter, Arkansas State Board of Education Member – “A quality education is the single most important thing that we can provide to our children to enable their long-term success. Governor Sarah Sanders’ AR LEARNS should move Arkansas’ education system and its students forward for years to come.”
Dr. Sarah Moore, Arkansas State Board of Education Member – “Governor Sanders’ LEARNS plan is a strong roadmap to put Arkansas’ students at the highest levels of success. From the focus on reading to the strengthening of career and technical education pathways, the plan will provide students and families with the supports needed to achieve. Furthermore, I am excited that the plan promotes and supports Arkansas’ teachers, so that they can do what they do best – inspire and teach students to succeed.”
Kevin Tipton, Cabot School Board Member, Arkansas Career Education & Workforce Development Board Member – “Governor Sanders’ Arkansas LEARNS plan is exactly what our state needs to prepare students for their career and to improve the economic conditions. There are many highlights that include literacy coaches, choices for parents, increased teacher pay, and incentives for high quality education methods. As a school board member and a parent, I am in support of this plan. She is delivering on her promise to make Arkansas one of the best places to live, work, and raise a family. Thank you Governor Sanders!”
Stephanie Bierbaum, UAM Lake Village Adult Education Teacher – “Governor Sanders’ vision for Arkansas education through Arkansas LEARNS is exactly what parents, teachers, and students need to succeed. As a mom and a teacher, I know that parents make the best decisions for their kids – and I am glad that Gov. Sanders is empowering parents to do so. This plan makes me excited for the future of Arkansas education!”
Education Leaders:
Jerry Cox, Family Council President – “Our organization has always believed families deserve options when it comes to education. Home schooling is a great example of how giving families options can help their children flourish. Family Council has supported home schooling for more than 25 years, because it empowers parents to give their son or their daughter the education that’s right for them. Home schooling in Arkansas has been incredibly successful as a result. Governor Sanders and members of the General Assembly intend to pass good school choice legislation this year. We want to work with our friends to pass legislation that will help Arkansas families without regulating nonpublic school students. A lot of families feel like public education has deteriorated over the years, and they don’t like the direction it’s heading. For those families, school choice legislation could give them real alternatives that will help their children succeed. This is a critical issue for families, and our organization plans to address it.”
Corey DeAngelis – “Governor Sanders is based. She is an unapologetic education freedom fighter. Her proposal will unleash education freedom and make Arkansas a national leader on school choice. This is the only way to truly secure parental rights in education. The proposal by Governor Sanders will unlock education freedom for all Arkansas parents, allowing every single family to take their children’s education dollars to the education providers of their choosing. Every governor should follow the lead of Sarah Huckabee Sanders and empower families with educational opportunities.”
Betsy DeVos, Secretary of Education – “Gov. @SarahHuckabee continues to deliver! This transformational plan will bring #EducationFreedom to EVERY student in Arkansas, improve outcomes, reward great teachers, and so much more. Let’s get it done!”
Laurie Lee, The Reform Alliance Chairman – “We are ecstatic to hear details of Gov. Sanders’ decisive reform initiative,” said Laurie Lee, chairman of The Reform Alliance. “Not only do we see a sharp focus on early childhood education to give our students a strong start, but there are tools here to empower parents to make sure their child is enrolled in an educational environment that meets their individual needs.
Tom Newell, Vice President of Government Affairs for Yes. Every Kid – “Arkansas LEARNS will expand and improve learning opportunities across the state. This landmark legislative proposal will empower families to choose the education that’s best for them. Today’s announcement demonstrates that Gov. Huckabee Sanders is a national leader who wants to remove barriers to learning, ensuring families decide how and where their child is educated. We look forward to continuing to work with Gov. Huckabee Sanders and the Arkansas Legislature to advance historic, bottom-up solutions that respect the dignity of every kid.”
Invest in Ed – “Thank you, @SarahHuckabee, for unveiling your bold Arkansas LEARNS education agenda! Empowering parents, so that every family can choose the school that serves their kids best, and pushing for universal choice for all families are what is needed now.”
Arkansas Teenage Republicans – “The LEARNS Act presents a bold vision for an education system that will empower families and equip students for the rapidly changing workforce of tomorrow.”
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Editorial Page – “This would likely put Arkansas at the forefront in the nation as far as education reform.”
Opportunity Arkansas – “It’s safe to say Governor Sanders intends to deliver on her promise to be the “Education Governor” and deliver transformational change that Arkansas students have needed for decades.”