WHEREAS:   The State of Arkansas recognizes its responsibility to pursue a coordinated and integrated approach tosafeguard both its citizens and the infrastructure upon which they rely;

WHEREAS:   Arkansas is committed to providing a coordinated effort to protect the people and the infrastructure ofArkansas and to respond to man-made or natural disasters that may occur in this state; and 

WHEREAS:   Arkansas, in accordance with Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD)-5 and Arkansas Executive Order 15-13, has adopted the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and National ResponseFramework (NRF), for emergency response. Consequently, Arkansas uses the Emergency Support Function (ESF) structure to coordinate planning and response efforts between government, private, andnon-government entities.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, acting under the authority vested in me as the Governor of the State of Arkansas, do hereby order the following:


  1. The Director of the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management (the “Director”), shall direct the emergency and/or disaster operations of the State of Arkansas.
  2. The Director, or the Director’s designee, shall also coordinate the activities of all non-state agencies, departments, and/or organizations involved in emergency management within the State of Arkansas.


  1. This Executive Order shall constitute the Arkansas Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (the “Plan”), which shall be binding on all departments, commissions, boards, agencies, organizations and employees of the State of Arkansas, political subdivisions of the State of Arkansas authorized ordirected to conduct homeland security and emergency management operations.
  2. The Director shall supplement the provisions of the Plan by prescribing rules, regulations, and procedures. Once adopted, any supplements to the Plan shall also be binding on all departments, commissions, boards, agencies, organizations, and employees of the State of Arkansas, and on all local governments or political subdivisions of the state authorized or directed to conduct homeland securityand emergency management operations.
  3. Any supplement or subsequent change to the Plan shall continue to follow the principles outlined in theNIMS, and also provide for the emergency operations that may be implemented should an emergencyand/or disaster impact the State of Arkansas.


  1. The Director shall control the activation and/or implementation of the Plan and the conclusion and/ordeactivation of the Plan.
  2. The Director shall also control the activation and deactivation of the State Emergency OperationsCenter (hereafter “SEOC”).
  3. The activation of the SEOC shall constitute the implementation of the Plan.


There are sixteen (16) ESFs identified for the State of Arkansas, with a primary coordinating agency assigned to each. The ESFs and responsible agencies are as follows:

ESF #1 – Transportation:  Arkansas Department of Transportation (ARDOT)

ESF #2 – Communications:  Arkansas Department of Public Safety (ADPS), Division of Emergency Management (ADEM)

ESF #3 – Public Works and Engineering:  ARDOT

ESF #4 – Firefighting:  Arkansas Department of Agriculture (ADA), Division of Forestry

ESF #5 – Emergency Management:  ADPS, ADEM

ESF #6 – Mass Care, Emergency Assistance, Temporary Housing, and Human Services:  Arkansas Department of Human Services (ADHS)

ESF #7 – Resource Support:  Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration (ADFA)

ESF #8 – Public Health and Medical Services:  Arkansas Department of Health (ADH)

ESF #9 – Search and Rescue:  Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC)

ESF #10 – Oil and Hazardous Materials Response:  Arkansas Department of Energy and Environment, Division of Environmental Quality (ADEQ)

ESF #11 – Agriculture and Natural Resources:  ADA

ESF #12 – Energy:  Arkansas Public Service Commission (APSC)

ESF #13 – Public Safety and Security: ADPS, Division of Arkansas State Police (ASP)

ESF #14 – Private Sector and Infrastructure: ADPS, ADEM

ESF #15 – External Affairs:  ADPS, ADEM

ESF #16 – Cyber Security:  Arkansas Department of Transformation and Shared Services, Division of Information Systems (DIS)


The head of each department, division, office, agency, and organization identified in Section 4 of this Order shall designate both an emergency coordinator and an alternate coordinator to act on the department’s behalf during an emergency situation, and furnish the Director with their names and all phone numbers. Thehead shall also designate a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) coordinator who will prepare and maintain plans, procedures, arrangements, and agreements to ensure that the organization will continue to carry out its mission in an emergency or disaster.


The head of each department/division assigned a primary ESF responsibility in Section 4 shall submitimplementing procedures to the Director that set forth the department’s procedures for carrying out its assigned emergency support functions. The head of each department shall submit annual updates of their implementing procedures to the Director.


The head of each department/division assigned emergency support responsibilities in Section 4 of this Order shall assist its primary department in the preparation of their procedures and/or any other documentsnecessary to support the Plan.


The head of each department/division assigned a primary responsibility in  Section 4 of this Order will:

  1. Staff the SEOC with personnel during training, exercises, and emergencies as requested by theDirector;
  2. Maintain and operate a 24-hour response capability in the department headquarters, or in thedepartment’s designated SEOC, when the Plan is implemented;
  3. Participate in exercises of the Plan when scheduled by the Director;
  4. Participate in, and conduct, training essential to implementation of the department’s assignedemergency support function;
  5. Conduct an annual internal review to update the details of their department’s implementing procedures and advise the Director of needed modifications of their implementing procedures;and
  6. Maintain logs, records, and reporting systems required by all state and federal laws, rules, andregulations.
  7. Identify, maintain, and make available state resources that shall be necessary for emergency and/ ordisaster operations. State resource records shall be provided to the ADEM when requested or on abiannual cycle.


Click here to view executive order