Empowering Arkansans

“As governor, I will defend our freedom and lead with heart.”

– Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS COME – GREETINGS:  EO 24-16: EXECUTIVE ORDER AMENDING DR 23-04 TO PROVIDE FUNDING, AS AUTHORIZED BY ARK. CODE ANN. § 12-75-114, FROM THE GOVERNOR’S DISASTER RESPONSE AND RECOVERY FUND WHEREAS: On or about March 1, 2023, severe storms, tornadoes, and flooding began and continued with such severity that executive action was warranted […]
Eligible costs will be reimbursed by the State of New Mexico TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS COME – GREETINGS:  EO 24-15: EXECUTIVE ORDER TO PROVIDE FUNDING, AS AUTHORIZED BY ARK. CODE ANN. §§ 12-75-101, et seq., AND THE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ASSISTANCE COMPACT (EMAC) WHEREAS: The Emergency Management Assistance Compact (EMAC) system is a congressionally ratified organization that […]

Meet the 47th Governor of Arkansas

Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Inaugurated on January 10, 2023, she is the first woman to serve as governor of the state and currently is the youngest governor in the country.

Prior to her historic victory, Sarah served as White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump from 2017 to 2019. A trusted confidant of the President, she advised him on everything from press and communications strategy to personnel and policy. For two and a half years, Sarah worked closely with the president, battling with the media, working with lawmakers and CEOs, and accompanying the president on every foreign trip, including dozens of meetings with foreign leaders. Sarah was only the third woman – and the very first mom – to ever hold the job of White House Press Secretary.