Bills Signed: HB1404, SB271, HB1238, HB1336

March 17, 2023

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – On Thursday, March 9, 2023, the Governor signed into law: 

HB1404, to amend election procedures concerning ballot tabulators. 

SB271, to amend the offense of loitering. 

HB1238, to amend various provisions of the Arkansas code concerning enhanced transportation funding amounts; and to declare an emergency. 

HB1336, to create an agricultural education pilot program in public elementary schools. 

HB1347, to create a financial aid appeals process and committee for the division of higher education.

HB1383, to amend the name of “South Arkansas Community College” to “South Arkansas College”; and to declare an emergency. 

SB246, to amend the law regarding timber sales; to revise the law regarding co-owners or coheirs; to define “unknown or unlocatable co- owners or coheirs”; and to amend requirements related to timber sale contract. 

HB1005, to repeal Section 5 of Acts 2021, No. 568.

SB205, to assist small business owners to form a legal entity in this state; and to clarify the procedures and standards used for name availability for certain corporations and limited liability companies. 

HB1247, to amend the law concerning benefits paid to survivors and beneficiaries after the death of members and retirants of the state police retirement system.

HB1263, to amend the law concerning the sale and redemption of tax-delinquent property; and to declare an emergency.

SB184, to clarify the effective date of filing by mail with the tax appeals commission; and to declare an emergency.

SB126, to amend the Arkansas public employees’ retirement system plan regarding survivor benefits; and to declare an emergency.

SB127, to amend and update language for the proper administration of the Arkansas public employees’ retirement system; and to declare an emergency.

SB128, to correct the employer contribution rate and the exceptions to the prohibition against subjection of annuity rights to legal processes under the state police retirement system; and to declare an emergency.

SB129, to amend the state police retirement system plan regarding survivor benefits; and to declare an emergency.

SB243, an act for the department of transformation and shared services – building authority division capital improvement appropriation.

HB1329, to create a means by which public school students may substitute comparable elective coursework in career and technical education for required core academic classes.
