
HomeNewsBills Signed: SB207, SB253, SB277, SB296, SB309, SB322, SB334 …

Bills Signed: SB207, SB253, SB277, SB296, SB309, SB322, SB334 …

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – On Tuesday, April 4, 2023, the Governor signed into law: 

SB207, to modify the Arkansas Corporate Franchise Tax Act of 1979; and to create the secretary of state business and commercial services electronic filing system special fund.
SB253, to amend the law concerning damaged ballots; and to amend the law concerning election procedures.
SB277, to amend the filing period for political parties; to amend the law concerning political parties. 
SB296, an act for the Department of Transformation and Shared Services – statewide shared services – employee benefits division appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. 
SB309, to clarify the licensing regulations of psychiatric residential treatment facilities under the Child Welfare Agency Licensing Act.
SB322, to amend the duties of the State Board of Barber Examiners; and to aid in the administration of the state’s barber laws. 
SB334, an act for the Department of Public Safety – state crime laboratory rapid dna technology appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
SB338, to amend the Arkansas Egg Marketing Act of 1969; and to amend the number of hens a retailer is permitted to have to be exempt from the Arkansas Egg Marketing Act of 1969. 
SB357, to enact the state insurance department’s general omnibus bill. 
SB368, to require disclosure by an insurance company of the monetary amount of a deductible based on a percentage of the insured value under an insurance policy.
SB374, to amend the laws relating to a county treasurer and the financial operations of a county.
SB397, to amend the administrative procedure act; and to allow administrative adjudication decisions to be served electronically.
SB418, to transfer the administrative functions of the state securities department to the state bank department; and to amend the law concerning the organization of the state securities department.
SB483, to amend Acts 2023, No. 278; to amend the law regarding bonds or acceptable financial security under the customer protections for net-metering customers act; and to declare an emergency.
SCR7, to designate March 2023 as Rare Kidney Disease Awareness Month in Arkansas to increase public awareness and understanding of the genetic causes of rare kidney disease.
HB1292, to make technical corrections to Title 24 of the Arkansas Code concerning retirement and pensions.
HB1303, to amend the law to clarify which municipalities may establish retirement benefits for municipal governing bodies.
HB1333, to amend the definition of a student under the Arkansas concurrent challenge scholarship program.
HB1349, concerning paid esports tournaments.
HB1358, to amend the law concerning the rules and regulations that must be adopted for municipal fire and police departments.
HB1407, to create the voter registration and secure voter records act of 2023; to amend arkansas constitution, amendment 51; and to amend the duties of the secretary of state.
HB1438, to amend the uniform money services act.
HB1440, to amend the law concerning prohibitions and limitations on the use of certain refrigerants; and to amend the powers of municipal corporations and the hvacr licensing board in relation to the regulation of certain refrigerants.
HB1517, to separate the offices of sheriff and tax collector in Ouachita County; and to consolidate the offices of tax collector and county treasurer in Ouachita County. 
HB1523, to provide a sales and use tax exemption for certain sales by nonprofit youth organizations.
HB1527, to clarify the requirement that public school districts grant excused absences to students who participate in 4-H activities or programs.
HB1527, to clarify the requirement that public school districts grant excused absences to students who participate in 4-H activities or programs.
HB1550, to amend the law concerning restitution payments; and to require restitution to be paid before court costs and fines.
HB1571, to amend Arkansas law concerning audits of counties and municipalities.
HCR1009, to designate the month of March as National Athletic Training Month.
HB1600, to repeal the law concerning the display of campaign literature on vehicles of candidates for public office or public officials while on state capitol grounds.
HB1599, to amend the law concerning contribution limits to political action committees; to amend campaign finance law; to amend portions of initiated Act 1 of 1990 and Initiated Act 1 of 1996.
HB1457, to establish the Arkansas Poll Watchers Bill of Rights Act of 2023; to amend the law concerning poll watchers; and to amend the law concerning election procedures.
HB1586, to amend the law concerning military-type canteens and exchanges.
HB1566, to modify the collaborative practice agreement established under Act 161 of 2023; and to prohibit a veterinary technician specialist from receiving compensation for performing specialized veterinary technology.
HB1558, to amend the prior authorization transparency act; and to modify the medication-assisted treatment under the prior authorization transparency act.
HB1486, to amend the law concerning distracted driving; and to create Ashton’s and Abbie’s law.
HB1270, an act for the Henderson State University appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1249, an act for the Arkansas Tech University appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. 
HB1232, an act for the University of Arkansas – Fort Smith appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1229, an act for the University of Arkansas and the Division of Agriculture – Arkansas biosciences institutes appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1216, an act for the Southern Arkansas University appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1215, an act for the Arkansas State University – Arkansas Biosciences Institute appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1121, concerning coverage for biomarker testing for early detection and management for cancer diagnoses.  
HB1078, an act for the Department of Education – Educational Television Division appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1053, an act for the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion Commission appropriation for the 2023-2024 fiscal year.
HB1030, concerning age and residency requirements for attending public schools; and to expand the number of individuals for whom public schools shall be open and free. 
SB66, to create the protection of minors from distribution of harmful material act; to establish liability for the publication or distribution of material harmful to minors on the internet; and to require reasonable age verification.
SB90, to create the automatic occupational licensure for out-of-state licensure act.
SB135, to amend the law concerning the duration of participation in the local police and fire deferred retirement option plan; and to declare an emergency.
SB262, to amend the public education reorganization act; and to remove the authority of the state board of education to require an administrative consolidation for certain school districts.
SB342, to create the Arkansas statutory thresholds for settlement agreements involving minors act.
SB365, to create the Arkansas Student Due Process and Protection Act; and to establish procedural protections for student conduct disciplinary proceedings at public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education.
SB375, to amend the law concerning the distribution and use of funds in the commercial driver license fund.