LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — On Thursday, March 20, 2025, the Governor signed into law:
SB231 – An act to amend the law regarding the office of the Arkansas lottery; to confer law enforcement authority on select employees of the office of the Arkansas lottery; and for other purposes.
SB240 – An act to amend the credit reporting disclosure act of 1989; to clarify the content required for a notice of adverse action; and for other purposes.
SB242 – An act to amend the law concerning loans involving the stock of a state bank; and for other purposes.
SB276 – An act to amend the law concerning surplus lines insurance; to clarify that surplus lines insurance is acceptable coverage for financial responsibility of motor vehicle insurance coverage; and for other purposes.
HB1367 – An act to amend the Arkansas title insurance act; to regulate access to public records by a title agent and a title company; and for other purposes.
HB1517 – An act to establish the earned wage access services act; and for other purposes.
HB1583 – An act to mandate coverage for acquired brain injury; and for other purposes.
HB1595 – An act to enact the state insurance department’s general omnibus amendment of Arkansas insurance code; to amend the Arkansas worker’s compensation insurance plan; to amend the law concerning reciprocal insurers; to clarify an attorney’s bond requirement; to amend the law concerning examinations of hospital and medical service corporations; to amend the law concerning service of process in suits involving insurers; to repeal the comprehensive health insurance pool act; and for other purposes.
HB1620 – An act to amend the law concerning pharmacy benefits managers; to regulate processing and payment of pharmacy claims; to create the pharmacy and pharmacist timely reconciliation and payment of pharmacist services act; to amend the Arkansas pharmacy audit bill of rights; to amend the Arkansas pharmacy benefits manager licensure act; and for other purposes.
SB317 – An act to amend the law regarding higher education; to prohibit an institution of higher education from participating in certain activities with a prohibited foreign party; and for other purposes.
HB1398 – An act to require schools to support, establish, and implement a cardiac emergency response plan that integrates nationally recognized elements; and for other purposes.
HB1451 – An act concerning the Arkansas concurrent challenge scholarship program; to amend the definition of a student under the Arkansas concurrent challenge scholarship program; and for other purposes.
HB1601– An act regarding higher education; to require state-supported institutions of higher education to provide career counseling and other resources to certain students; and for other purposes.
HB1689 – An act to require a public high school to grant access to its facilities to official recruiting representatives of the military; to require certain state-supported postsecondary institutions to grant access to its facilities to official recruiting representatives of the military; and for other purposes.
HB1563 – An act to add a felony offense that falls under the definition of restricted release felony with respect to release eligibility and procedures for offenses committed on or after January 1, 2025; and for other purposes.
HB1579 – An act to amend the law concerning sex offender reassessment; to prohibit an incarcerated person from being eligible for risk level assessment; and for other purposes.
HB1593 – An act concerning the reports made to the Governor and the general assembly by the board of corrections, division of correction, and division of community correction; to combine reporting requirements; and for other purposes.
HB1169 – An act to clarify the admission criteria for an involuntary commitment to include a person who is in a mental condition as a result of a medical condition; and for other purposes.
HB1253 – An act to adopt the emergency medical services personnel licensure interstate compact in Arkansas; and for other purposes.
HB1291 – An act to amend the minimum wage act of the state of Arkansas; to provide exceptions to the minimum wage act of the state of Arkansas impacting the law resulting from initiated act 5 of 2018; to add certain minor league baseball players to the exclusions from the definition of “employee”; and for other purposes.
HB1586 – An act to amend the Medicaid waiver for autism spectrum disorder to clarify the number and type of qualified professionals to diagnose autism spectrum disorder; and for other purposes.
HB1610 – An act to amend the Arkansas human life protection act and the Arkansas unborn child protection act; to modify the definition of “medical emergency”; and for other purposes.
SB254 – An act to amend the law concerning rural community projects; to amend the definition of “property in kind”; and for other purposes.
SB270 – An act to amend the law concerning the filing periods of certain nonpartisan school board and municipal candidates; and for other purposes.
SB328 – An act to amend the law concerning computer crimes against minors; and for other purposes.
SB393 – An act to create Maighen’s law; to amend the sex offender registration act of 1997; and for other purposes.
HB1347 – An act to amend the law concerning annuities and benefits under the Arkansas teacher retirement system; to allow the Arkansas teacher retirement system to pay an annuity or benefit owed to a person to a special needs trust established for the benefit of the person; and for other purposes.
HB1348 – An act to amend the law concerning survivor benefits for the dependent child of a member of the Arkansas public employees’ retirement system or a member of the state police retirement system; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1603 – An act to amend the law concerning installment payments by a criminal defendant in circuit court; and for other purposes.
HB1609 – An act to amend the law concerning human trafficking; to create an enhanced penalty for recruiting trafficked persons from certain places; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1628 – An act to amend the law concerning an extended post-conviction no contact order; to add sexual assault in the second degree to the offenses for which a court may issue an extended post-conviction no contact order; and for other purposes.
HB1629 – An act to permit a retiring prosecuting attorney to be awarded his or her service firearm upon retirement; and for other purposes.
HB1643 – An act to amend the law concerning hiring practices; to allow a current or former employer to disclose substantiated allegations of sexual abuse or harassment by the current or former employee to a prospective employer upon written consent; and for other purposes.
HB1644 – An act to amend the law concerning the compensation of a retired judge appointed as a special judge; to clarify that a retired judge may serve as a special judge immediately upon retirement; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1661 – An act to amend the laws concerning state district courts; to eliminate the obligation of cities and counties to pay the salaries of state district court judges; to amend the laws concerning district court clerks; and for other purposes.
SB304 – An act to allow a class of registered voters that have changed their county of residence to cast a valid ballot; to amend provisions of Arkansas constitution, amendment 51, under the authority of Arkansas constitution, amendment 51, § 19; and for other purposes.
SB307 – An act to amend the law concerning public utilities; to create the generating Arkansas jobs act of 2025; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
HB1385 – An act to amend the law concerning the oil and gas commission; to require the oil and gas commission to notify members of the general assembly concerning certain permits; and for other purposes.
HB1548 – An act to amend the law concerning the division of information systems; to abolish the data and transparency panel; and for other purposes.
HB1575 – An act to prohibit a person that is employed or has a direct or indirect financial interest in a firm, business, or organization that owns, operates, represents, or applies for a solid waste license or permit from serving as a member on certain commissions and boards; and for other purposes.
SB22 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the Department of Inspector General for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB38 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expense for the Department of Health – licensing and regulation boards for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB42 – An act to make an appropriation for personal services and operating expenses for the office of Lieutenant Governor for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB219 – An act to repeal the sunset provision of the Arkansas medical marijuana special privilege tax act of 2017; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
SB333 – An act to make an appropriation for construction expenses of a police station facility at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2026; and for other purposes.
SB336 – An act to make an appropriation to the Department of Health for capital improvement projects; and for other purposes.