Sanders Amends Logan County Disaster Declaration, Authorizing Additional Funds for the County


    On or about July 17, 2022, severe storms and flooding began, and continued thereafter, which have caused great damage to private property and public facilities in various jurisdictions in the State of Arkansas; 

WHEREAS:    Adverse circumstances have been brought to bear upon the citizens and public properties within Arkansas; and

WHEREAS:    These political subdivisions require supplemental assistance from the state to recover from these losses.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS, Governor of the State of Arkansas, acting under the authority vested in me by Ark. Code Ann.  §§ 12-75-101, et seq., do hereby amend proclamation DR 22-11 of July 17, 2022, to authorize funds from the Governor’s Response and Recovery Fund under the Public Assistance Program, in the amount of $7,068.99 to be used to provide Public Assistance disaster relief to Logan County. Such funds will be used at the discretion of the Director of the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management to defray both program and administrative costs;

FURTHERMORE, I hereby invoke emergency executive powers vested in me by Ark. Code Ann. §§ 12-75-101, et seq., as amended, and suspend the provisions of regulating statutes prescribing procedures for conduct of the State Office of Purchasing, the Arkansas Building Authority, the State Office of Personnel Management, and all other state departments and agencies to render maximum assistance to the Arkansas Division of Emergency Management relative to any potential impediment to the rapid and orderly rendering of assistance to political subdivisions. 

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Arkansas to be affixed this 3rd day of November, in the year of our Lord 2023.