Readout of the Governor’s Cabinet Meeting

May 16, 2023

LITTLE ROCK, Ark.—Following the Governor’s meeting with her Cabinet, Sanders’ spokeswoman Alexa Henning released the following readout:

“This afternoon, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders met with her Cabinet secretaries to discuss their agencies’ progress in the first hundred days of the new administration. Each secretary presented their agency’s work to cut red tape, reduce inefficiencies, and advance the Governor’s bold, transformational agenda. Specifically, they mentioned successes during the 2023 legislative session, including the passage of Arkansas LEARNS, the Safer, Stronger Arkansas legislative package, personal income and corporate tax cuts, and legislation to support the Natural State Initiative. They also discussed ways to spur continued economic growth, reduce government spending, and streamline their agencies’ workload. The Governor thanked the secretaries for their impressive work and commended them on their close collaboration to improve state government.”